CPR Full Form in Medical

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CPR Full Form

Kanika Goyal

Updated on 31st May, 2024 , 3 min read


The full form of CPR is Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. In CPR, Cardio refers to the heart, Pulmonary refers to the lungs, and Resuscitation means to revive. CPR is often seen as a lifesaving method in emergency situations such as heart attacks or heart arrests

CPR is mostly used in emergency cases like heart attacks or cardiac arrests. The CPR process includes rescue breathing and chest compression. Both of these help the lungs of the person to receive adequate oxygen during rescue and restore heartbeat and breathing. Chest compressions should be at least 5 cm deep and delivered at a rate of 90 to 120 compressions per minute. Additionally, even mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is performed by exhaling air into the patient’s mouth.

The CPR process requires a combination of rescue breathing and compression of the chest.

  • Compressions in the chest keep oxygen-rich blood flowing till the heartbeat and respiration can be restored.
  • Rescue respiration offers oxygen to the individual’s lungs.

Importance of CPR

  • CPR is done within the first six minutes of heart-beat stops and can hold a person alive before medical care begins.
  • In the absence of proper blood flow, a person can experience brain injury or blood clots. CPR helps by restoring normal blood circulation in the body
  • CPR is offered to the patient within the first six minutes after the heartbeat stops. Proper CPR can help keep the patient stable before the medical help arrives
  • CPR is carried out until the heartbeat returns to normal or the patient is declared dead.

Safety Measure Of CPR

Few points to consider before performing CPR on the patient

  • Review the location, to ensure that it is secure to carry out the CPR procedure.
  • Understand whether the patient is conscious or unaware.
  • Request for emergency medical care as soon as possible.

When To perform CPR?

The CPR process requires a combination of rescue breaths and chest compressions. It is performed when a person suffers Cardiac Arrest, Absence of Normal Breathing, Drowning, Choking, Drug Overdose or Poisoning

Rescue ventilation supplies oxygen to the patient’s lungs. Chest compressions maintain oxygen-rich blood flow until heart rate and breathing are restored. The importance of CPR is that brain damage progresses rapidly when blood circulation stops.  CPR is a process which can be performed by any professional, including chest compressions for respiratory rescue. CPR can be performed within the first six minutes after cardiac arrest and can keep a person alive before medical procedures begin. CPR is performed until the heartbeat returns to normal or the patient is confirmed dead.


Safety Measure Of CPR

Few points to consider before performing CPR on the patient

  • CPR performers should be aware of the three terms of CPR Full Form C-A-B. C stands for compression, A for airway, and B for respiration, and these three terms were coined by the American Heart Association.
  • Review the location, to ensure that it is secure to carry out the CPR procedure.
  • Understand whether the patient is conscious or unaware and request for emergency medical care as soon as possible.

Side Effects of CPR

CPR is the first line of treatment that is given to patients to ensure that the normal amount of oxygen is restored in the blood.In 80% of cases, no injuries occur during the procedure. The remaining 10% suffer minor injuries are caused if CPR is not performed correctly. Know more about the possible side effects of CPR in the section below. 


  • Chest and Internal Injuries- Chest compressions can cause problems because people have a problem with their respiratory system. CPR alone cannot deliver cardiac resuscitation.
  • Patients may also suffer internal bleeding if the heart is struck. Other minor side effects include vomiting. This should be excluded so that the patient cannot swallow it. 
  • Dental and Mouth Injuries- while giving Crp through mouth, patient may recieve dental and mouth injuries. 
  • Bruising and Skin Injuries- electric shock is given to a person to restore the normal rhythm of the heart may sometimes cause skin burning and bruising to patients.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is CPR Full Form and When not to perform CPR?

CPR Full Form is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. If the rescuer notices any signs of life within the patient then mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ought to be stopped at once. If the patient makes any movement or opens their eyes, or coughs person needs to stop giving compression still.

What is the process of CPR?

In CPR, a person resurrects proper airflow within the patient’s body by pumping the chest and giving rescue breaths.

When should CPR be given?

CPR should be given to patients who have lost consciousness and have missed breathing due to any reason.

Is mouth-to-mouth resuscitation needed If there's a pulse within the Patient?

Supposedly there’s a pulse within the patient the airway is cleared and rescue respiratory is sustained. The pulse is checked every two minutes, and if the heartbeat is absent for any reason, resuscitation is initiated without delay.

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